Credit Key Resources

One Pagers & White Papers

Credit Key At a Glance

Overview of Credit Key. Covering how it works, reviews, and case studies.

B2B Payment Solutions Buyer’s Guide

A deep dive into the B2B payments space, this document outlines how to differentiate payment solutions and how to choose the best one for your business.

How to maintain business cash flow

A white paper on net terms and how they can negatively or positively impact an organization's cash flow.

Credit Where It’s Due

A look into the changes of business buying behavior due to the COVID pandemic (Written by

Case Studies

BlackSheep doubles sales revenue

BlackSheep Consulting doubles their sales revenue and expands their product offering after implementing Credit Key.

Olam Specialty Coffee increases conversion rates by 250%

Olam Specialty coffee grew conversion rates substantially by offering Credit Key in cart.

Voltage Coffee Supply Increase AOV by 10x

Voltage grows Average Order Value by 10x by offering a B2B Buy Now Pay Later Solution.

Postcardmania Boosts AOV & Conversion Rates

Postcardmania drastically increased conversion rates and AOV while decreasing cost per conversion significantly.

SoftShirts grows AOV by 9x

SoftShirts was able to grow their AOV while improving cash flow by having Credit Key manage their payment terms program.